Chapter 31:
Sitting in the box on a red blanket with a few toys, a bowl of water and a small dish of food was the cutest puppy I had ever seen. It was a small grey dog with caramel, white, and black mixed in. I picked it up and it immediately licked my face. I giggled and when it calmed down I looked at Sidney. “What kind of dog is it?” I asked stroking its head. “Miniature Australian Shepard” he said walking towards us. “He doesn’t have a name yet” he said petting the dog. “Do I get to pick?” I asked him. “Of course you do” he said. I looked at the dog and noticed a dot of grey under his left eye. “Dot” I said. Sidney made a face. “Well excuse me, this is my puppy and I get to chose the name” I said sticking my tongue out at him and pulling Dot away from his reach. “Actually” he began grabbing my waist. “He is our puppy.”
He looked at Dot with a loving and caring expression and I couldn’t help but to smile. I kissed Sidney on the cheek and thanked him for the dog. “I figured since we’re too young to have kids, a puppy would do” he said. When Dot started squirming, Sidney took him in his arms. “Now Dot, you need to behave for your mommy and daddy” Sid said. I smiled at him and kissed him again. We leaned our heads together and looked at the dog. “This is our family” I whispered, and Sid nodded in agreement.
We arrived home and I found that Sidney had gotten everything ready for Dot. He has a cage, food, leash, bed, toys, blankets. You name it, Dot had it. I looked into the 4 foot by 3 foot cage and saw that there was a Penguins towel on the bed. I laughed and saw Sidney giving Dot his vitamins. We put Dot in the cage [which was across the hall from Sidney’s room so we could check on him overnight] and watched as he fell asleep. I stood up and Sidney took me into his arms. “Thank you so much” I said into his chest. “I love you Kay” he whispered. “I love you too” I said and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
“I have your present” I said to him after I pulled out of the kiss. “Alright” he said, and we walked into his room. I took out the small velvet box from my pocket and handed it to him after he turned on the light. He opened it and a smile spread across his face. I bought him a white gold chain with a hockey stick on the end with a small ‘87’ engraved on the blade. “This is perfect” he said. He pulled me into his arms and kissed me on the forehead.
I changed into a pair of his sweatpants and a shirt and laid down on his bed. A few minutes later I felt his arm around my waist and I fell asleep. I woke up around 7 to hear dot whimpering. I rolled over and grabbed a sweatshirt off the chair next to Sidney’s bed. I made my way into the hallway to see Dot scratching against the metal bars. I figured he had to go out. So I took the leash off the hanger, snapped it on Dot, picked him up and carried him out to the back entrance of Sidney’s wing. Dot did his business and hopped around the soggy grass.
After a few minutes of watching Dot sniff out his new yard, I took him back inside. I wiped off his paws ears and belly and then brought him upstairs. Sid was still sleeping, and it was around 8, so I put Dot on the bed and he trotted over and started to lick Sidney’s face. His eyes opened and he started laughing. I joined in laughing when Dot stood on Sidney’s chest and started nudging him with his nose. Sidney sat up and looked at the clock.
“We have a 5 day road trip this week” he said, sadly. “I know” I replied picking Dot up off the bed and holding him in my arms. “Sorry to have to leave you with Dot by yourself, but I’m sure everyone will want to help you out” he said and stood up. “I’m going to go introduce him to everyone” I began, “After you shower could you just bring his kennel to my house and put it in the kitchen next to the basement door?” “Sure” he said walking towards me and kissed me on the forehead. He pet Dot’s head and I turned on my heel and out the door.
“Oh my dear lord” my mother said as I walked into the kitchen. “A puppy?” she asked and immediately stood up to pet him. “Yes” I said, “Sidney got him for me for Valentine’s Day.” Then Amanda entered the room and her eyes lit up. “He finally gave it to you!” she cried and reached out for Dot. I let her hold him and asked, “What do you mean finally?” “Well Miss Kay, he has had it reserved for you for a while now, but he did not know when he was going to give it to you. Kevin, Nancy and I had to help him pick out the right things and food for him.” “You knew about this all along?” I asked, “Of course I did” she said nuzzling up to Dot.
My brother came running down the stairs. “What is that? A puppy? Kay, you got a puppy? What is its name? Is it a boy? Did Sidney get this for you? It is so cool! Can I hold it Amanda?” he was almost yelling. “Steph, quiet down! Yes it is a puppy. His name is Dot. And yes, Sidney got it for us. Us as in him and I. It is OUR puppy” I said, making it clear it was not his. [He had a reputation for taking things that were not his]
Sidney walked into our house holding the giant cage like it was a feather. He was followed by my three cousins and they all ran over to Steph who was now holding Dot. I swear the reactions were as close to having a new baby in the house. Steph put Dot down on the floor and Sidney threw him one of his new toys. He threw it into the living room, but Dot was slipping and sliding all over the wood and linoleum floor. After a few minutes of watching Dot, it was time for breakfast. The whole family ate together but my uncle and Sidney had to leave early to catch their plane ride.
I followed Sidney to his wing and sat down on one of the barstools in his kitchen. “Do you have everything?” I asked him. “Yes mom. I double checked” he said while putting his bags near the door. I picked up one of Dot’s toys that was sitting on the counter and threw it at him. “Hey, be gentle, you don’t want to injure the star player” he said, joking of course. “Star player?” I asked. “That’s what I said” he replied walking over towards me. “I don’t think so. I haven’t heard of a star player that has gotten beat by a girl.” He rolled his eyes and stood in front of me. I looked up at him and instantly wanted him to stay home. “You don’t have proof of that my dear” he said. I laughed and told him it didn’t matter. I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck. I buried my head in his shoulder, “I don’t want you to go” I said into his collar. “Well, you know I want to be with you, but you also know that I’ll bring you home something very pretty” he said. I laughed and pulled away from him.
He prepared his goodbye with a deep, passionate kiss. Then he pulled away and looked at the ground. “I’ll um… be back… Saturday night” he said. I heard Dot barking in the distance. My uncle came into Sid’s wing and yelled, “Let’s go Sid, the planes a-waitin’.” He rolled his eyes, kissed me on last time and said he would promise to call and text me as much as he could. I said I’d be alright, and that Dot would miss him more. He laughed, winked at me, and ran out the door with his bags.
I looked around his wing. Empty. I sighed and made my way back to my house so that I could get ready to take Dot to his vet appointment.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
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