Thursday, July 10, 2008

Letting Love In-Ch37

Chapter 37:
For most of the plane ride, I had been reading a book and Sidney had been listening to his iPod. I had argued with him over getting the window seat, and with the use of my puppy dog eyes he finally agreed. I put my book down and just stared out the window. There wasn’t much to see, it was just mostly blue sky and the occasional white mist of a cloud. After what I guessed was a few minutes Sidney’s hand reached mine. He smiled at me warmly and I squeezed his hand. I turned back to look out the window and I felt the bad of his thumb rubbing my palm. I closed my eyes and soon awoke to Sidney gently shaking me.
“We’re landing in a few minutes” he said quietly. I nodded and put all of my things back into my Coach tote bag. I smoothed out my shirt and folded my hands into my lap. I looked down and noticed they had begun to shake. Sidney noticed this, “What’s wrong baby?” he asked. “N-nothing” I lied. I was nervous to see his family again. I don’t know why I was, they had liked me the first time the met me. I think I was more scared be at his home, under the full watch of his family. I didn’t want to disappoint him. “There’s nothing to worry about” he said softly, and tucked my hair behind my ear.
At the luggage claim we saw his dad standing in a sea of people looking over the crowd to see us. Sidney had his hat pulled down low and kept his head down, so I was the first one to spot his dad. I took Sidney’s arm after he picked up his bag and my two suitcases. “What the hell did you pack?” he asked frustrated when he realized how heavy one of my suitcases was. “Well I think that one has mostly shoes” I said. “Of course” he muttered. I pulled him along until we met his dad. “Hey dad” Sidney said sticking his arm out to shake his hand. “Hi Troy” I said in a fake happy voice and when I hugged him I looked over his shoulder at Sidney and he rolled his eyes. I scowled at him and then his dad suggested we go before anyone realized who he was.
We got into Troy’s SUV. At first there was an awkward silence, Sidney realized it and broke it. “So where are mom and Taylor?” he asked his father. “Their getting dinner ready and stuff” he said. “Your mom made grilled chicken and vegetables.” “Nice” Sidney said. Soon enough we arrived at his home. His dad took one of my suitcases, and I told him I could handle the other one. “Well” Sidney sighed shutting the door, “This is home. I imagine my mother will not allow me to sleep even in the same hallway as you, so she probably set up a bed in the basement. If you want you can sleep in my room. You will be more comfortable.” I told him I’d see but we really should get into that house before I die of starvation. “Such a drama queen” he said. I shoved him a bit and we entered the house laughing.
“Sidney!” his mother screeched happily while running to hug him. “Kay, hello! How was your flight?” she asked. “It was good. Like any other plane ride” Sidney said. Just then Taylor came running down the hallway. “Sid!” she yelled and he picked her up hugging her. “Hey Tay! Miss me?” he said. Seeing how he acted around his sister, with such love, made my heart melt and a big smile grew on my face. He put her down and turned to me. “Taylor, this is Kay. Kay this is Taylor” he said. She was about 10 inches shorter than me, and cute as a button. I bent down so we were face to face. “It’s nice to meet you Taylor. I love that drawing you did of Sidney and I, it is really beautiful” I said. “Thanks” she replied, “It’s nice to meet the girl my brother hasn’t stopped talking about since he met you.” I smiled and looking at Sidney. He was standing with his hands in his pockets with a content smile on his face. Trina called us in for dinner and Taylor went running into the dining room. I started to follow her, but I felt Sidney’s hands on my waist. He spun me around and gave me a kiss on the lips. “I didn’t talk about you all the time” he said. I laughed, “Sure you didn’t.” He gave my hand a quick squeeze and then walked in front of me to the dining room.
Dinner went very well. The food was delicious. It was nice to taste a real home cooked meal cooked by a hard working mother. I sat across from Sidney and he sat next to Taylor. His listened to her carefully as she described almost everything that happened to her at school that year. “This one boy named Tommy wrote me a love note” she said. “Where does he live? I’m going to have to kick his butt!” Sidney said. This got me and Trina laughing. Dinner ended and Trina insisted that she and Troy clean up. Taylor was ordered to the shower, and she obeyed, but only asking Sidney if they could watch some Disney channel movie together tonight. He agreed and she went off squealing in delight. “Come on Kay” he took my hand, “Let me show you around.”
He pulled me down the hallway. “Tay’s room, parent’s room, and bathroom” he pointed out. This reminded me of our first night together. My mind drifted back as I remembered how his body was so new to me. How I didn’t love him then, but I knew that I would. I remembered how he first looked at me. I remember how he had been nervous, but trying not to show it. I closed my eyes briefly and saw his calm smile behind my eyes. I was snapped out of my thoughts when he said my name louder. “Kay. What are you doing?” I looked around and noticed he was down the hall and I was facing the wall all by myself. “Oh nothing” I said, mentally smacked myself for daydreaming and ran after him.


CrosbysBabe87 said...

I liked this chapter

More Soon!!

Anonymous said...

I loved this chapter..soo cute!